TOKIO HOTEL FAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ♥♥ Nick Jonas. People dont come up on my pro saying the Jonas Brothers are all mine. cause there not you DONT own them!

╔★═╗╔╗ ♡
╚╗╔╝║║★═╦╦╦═╗ NICK JONAS ( My superhero!! )
╔╝╚╗★╚╣║║║║╠╣ JOE JONAS  ( DJ Danger  )
╚═☆╝╚═╩═╩★╩═╝  KEVIN JONAS ( Rocks My Socks!! )

Hello Beautiful,
It's 7:05,here in Australia so please Hold on while i explain to you what happens When You Look Me In The Eyes. In Year 300 you would be What I Go To School For and i'd always say Nick J Is Off The Chain because That's Just The Way We Roll. Now i'd Appreciate it if you Dont Tell Anyone but i have this Crazy Kinda Crush On You. You Just Don't Know It. I wish i could switch places with Mandy for just 6 Minutes because i know we would be Inseperable, and then i could just Move On like the Games we play in Hollywood. But deep down im Still In Love With You. I dont wanna be Just Friends. I know i may be the Underdog in this situation but I Am What I Am! I've been sending out an S.O.S hoping u would help out some Poor Unfortunate Soul because I Wan'na Be Like You. Now i know we're talking about the Kids Of The Future and it seems like it just may be Eternity before "Oh Joseph, Please Be Mine" but we can always take it One Day At A Time. Now its Time For Me To Fly so Goodnight and Goodbye! put this on your page of u love the JB!
If you hate the Jonas Brothers Dont Talk To ME!!!!!


Love Them Jonas Boys!

Life Is Nick-a-lisious!


I made this ( below.. )
Hey Beautiful Eyes,
When im around you I try to go Fishin For Love. You are The Girl Of My Dreams.If Thats Not Love than i dont know what is! I was wondering if you would ever like to get some Banana Smothies? We can take me Crazy Car if you want. At School you dont know me cause i Got No Mojo. As you know i live in the middle of Nowhere in L.A. One of my friends is Rosalina we act like Hardcore Wrestelers. if I Could Be anything i would be Alien Clones. If There Were A Place To Hide i would take you so it would be just you and me. Sometimes I'll Be There by myself. We could take a Taxi Cab or we could Run to it and its not a Long Distance.
Im gonna Catch Up With The End. Im So sorry im such a Motor Mouth. and Thats How It Is.
so I'm Out.
Put if your a Naked Brothers Band Fan!

The Jonas Brothers Are So Ah-MAZING in concert! 

Gotta Love Them Jonas Boy


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  • Contribuições de carimbos: 59
  • Cartões postais: 0



kirathemusefr... disse:

5921 dias atrás
Copy and paste this address below into your browser and you'll find alot of pretty stamp material!

kirathemusefr... disse:

5945 dias atrás
You put glitter in their hair by choosing golden glitter and then you point the magnifying glass with the minus sign - at it until the glitter is smaller. 

kirathemusefr... disse:

5950 dias atrás
I just made a ballerina doll, wanna see? :-)

kirathemusefr... disse:

5956 dias atrás
I made a Johnny Depp ~Slide Show~ Blingee! If you would like to see it and rate it, please do.

Kira :-)

emo_guy_ disse:

5972 dias atrás
sitting here doin nothin

HALEZ5671 disse:

5975 dias atrás

HALEZ5671 disse:

5975 dias atrás

sng000 disse:

5976 dias atrás
i just love your profile!!!! Joe is my hero but he is very DANGEROUS!!!! lol

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