Crazy Queen of Anime

I happen to be nameless, so call me whatever  you want.

1. Mario Kart Wii
2. Anime
3. Hollywood Style Chewing Gum
Fave song : Potential Breakup Song - Aly & AJ; Art of Losing - American Hi-Fi
Fave Anime dood:  Ikuto, Nagihko, Kairi, Kukai... 
(Kiseki!!!), Fai, Shaoran...
Fave book :Shugo Chara vol. 2 ______________________________________________________
                            ANIME / MANGA

Do YOU like anime? Then join my group!!!!!! Well, Konata51's group. woteva. In any case, here's the link!!!! please join, we're giving out brownies ^_^

lol we heard you the first time!!!!^^' sorry.

~~E~~this on
~~I~~if you
~~T~~Berii fails
~~E~~and Ichigo
~~R~~is much better

1. Shugo Chara (+ Doki)
2. Rozen Maiden
3. Tsubasa Chronicles

Current Anime : Rozen Maiden Traumen

*found on mudkipmaster's profile |

"°º¤ø„¸¨"°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°"¨¸„ø¤º°" ¨
¨"°º¤ø„¸ ~I Love Anime~ ¸„ø¤º°"¨

_________@@@@_____________@@____ _______@@___________________@@____ ______@@_______@@@_____@@@ _@@_____ ______@@_____@@__@@_@@__@@ _@@_____ _______@@____@@__@@_@@__@@ _@@_____ ________@@@@_@@@_____@@@__ _@@@@_ 

thank you to mudkipmaster for putting a link to my blingee on her profile. You rock Zoey!

Animes I have watched :
Sailor Moon
Tokyo Mew Mew
CardCaptor Sakura
Shugo Chara
Rozen Maiden
Lucky Star
Tsubasa Chronicles
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Fruits Basket

Mangas I have read :
Fruits Basket
Shugo Chara
Tales of Symphonia

      *enter text here*

you know you live in 2009 when...
1. You go to a party, sit down, and look at MySpace pics.
2. You haven't played solitare with real cards for years.
3. The reason why you arent staying in touch with your friends is because they dont have MSN.
4. You'd rather look all over the house to find the remote instead of just pushing the button on the TV.
6. Your evening activity is sitting at the computer.
7. You read this list and keep nodding and smiling.
8. You think how stupid you are reading this.
9. Your were to busy to notice number five.
10. You actually scrolled back up to see "number five."
11.  Now your laughing to yourself.
12. Put this in your profile if you fell for this

XD I fell for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check what has happened to you before!!

[x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth
[ ] you have ran into a screen/glass door
[x] you have jumped out of a moving vehicle
[x] you have thought of something funny and laughed and people gave you weird looks
[x] you've tried to lick your elbow 
[x] You never knew the alphabet and twinkle twinkle little star had the same rhythm
[x] you just tried to sing them
[x] you have tripped on a shoelace and fallen
[x] you have choked on on your own spit
[x] you haven't noticed that in the last question "on" was spelled twice
[x] you just looked at it
[x] people have called you slow 
[ ] sometimes you just stop thinking
[ ] you tell a story and you forget what your talking about
[ ] your friends know not to use big words around you
[x] you have fallen out of a chair
[x] you just got owned by this bulletin  


I've given up on Snowy's "Inheritance Cycle Night", and have just got back from a holiday of Skiing in the Italian Alps with no internet connection (T-T). Now that I'm back in action with my wireless network, I'm ready to continue making the blingees you all know and love.


dear jonas brothers

i have invented a time machine that can take 
you to the year 3000
please use it so we wont have to hear you 
for 1000 years

love DustyPeeps, PolaroidPen, Monkey Pops1, Jacky 36, croc croc12, crac crac12, FalconSpirit, AgentSoccer007 AND CO.

(ps take miley cyrus with you)


Au Revoir Everyone!!!!

oh, by the way,

,----///-\\\----If you have ever felt
------///\-----Or Just
-----///\\\----Feel the pain
----///--\\\---Then Put This On your page 
---///----\\\-- { Like I Did }
P.S.S.     A.F.U! Don't Forget to join! Otherwise Ichigo will be very angry with you......... SO JOIN NOW!!!!!!!!!!! We still have brownies left ya know ^_^  SO JOIN TODAY BEFORE I SET THE BLOODHOUNDS ON YOU ALL!!!!!!!


  • Times In the Spotlight: 0
  • 배지 : 11
  • Gold Blingees: 0
  • Silver Blingees: 11
  • Stamp Contributions: 0
  • Postcards: 0

나의 대회 출품작

Guardian Girls
"Cool and Spicy" Hinamori Amu
더 많이 보기



theswanprince... 메시지:

3660일 전
your mean to tadase fans tadase is cute not hot but cute i dont see how he looks like a girl and thats how hw was born he cant help it and how does tadase have girly traits other wise i dont see how he does nand whats so bad about girly guys they are who there are they where born that way and ikuto is 5 years older then amu way to old for her and im not a fan of the jonas brothers but there a dead topic i used to like milly cyrus before she became crazy so im waiting to hear your reply

Konata15 메시지:

5539일 전
Doesn't sound half-bad! :D I barely have anytime to watch anime though. Lately it's only Japanese shows I watch.

Konata15 메시지:

5541일 전
XD Melin? Card Captor Sakura? I've heard of that before. But I never watched it? What's it mainly about?

Konata15 메시지:

5543일 전
XD Yeah, Shortie! I've watched The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya over the summer last year! I loved it! I couldn't find this one episode till a month after I started though T~T

Konata15 메시지:

5551일 전
XD Thanks for the comment! And yes! *highfives* AMUTO FOREVER!! The Prince can just leave Amu alone!! >.<

Konata15 메시지:

5567일 전
Hi!!!! Haven't talked in a long time!!! So what's up? ^^

mudkipmaster 메시지:

5591일 전
yay =D

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