Sebastian Michaelis

Sebastian Michaelis

I love Sebastian Michaelis!!!! He is so damn sexy!!!And all of the cast of Black Butler, if you do to, then JOIN!!!

  • Founder: deathwish789
  • Number of Members: 4
  • Number of Blingees: 3
Join this Group!
"Nothing really changed. I will still follow the young master as his loyal butler.
 Our contract is now bound for eternity, I will serve him and accommodate his needs to my greatest abilities
." Sebastian faintly smiled to cover up his dismay towards the situation. 
Truth is inevitable, the demon fell into a devil’s trap and was caught by the boy he ever so obsessed with

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Devil in a Tailcoat
"Yes my Lord," the words roll off my tongue with ease.
In anyone's eyes I am a humble servant wanting to please.
Together we've created an impenetrable shell,
No one would believe when this ends I'll drag you to hell.
Enduring any and all humiliation,
I follow your commands with out protestation.
Together we're rising to the task
Come now Lord, let's put on our masks.



Group Forum

How much do you Love him?
updated by: deathwish789, 3637일 전
posts: 1