voting system, tie-breaks etc

posted: 3482일 전
..wish for managers to clarify rating system, since today I see you want new round of voting when I count 2 first places to luba, and 2 second places to blinker, and you call this a tie-break?
posted: 3482일 전
sorry dear but I still don't understand what you are trying to say ..........can you make it any simpler!! 
posted: 3482일 전
..tie-break? ..why vote again when luba had 2 first places and blinker had 2 second places already? ..what language do you use sweetiii, so I can try to explain? I'm norwegian, I do my best in english;)
posted: 3480일 전
OHH well I get it sorry :( you see it's ok for it to be a tie breaker but it's also ok for them to share I do tie breakers cause to prevent fighting or un-agreement so yea blinker said she would share but we still need lubovl
to tell use hugs 
posted: 3479일 전
..ok, would have understood the tie if it was equal result, but here you ask us to vote again when there is no need for a tie since result was very clear the first time;) ..have never won a group challenge before so I'm happy as a lark;) does this mean I shall pick the quote for november? ..and since you are still very unclear about blinker and luba does that mean you are waiting for them? to do what? ..are you waiting for votes? or are you waiting for them to come up with stamps? are you waiting for me? I cannot see you have asked luba on her profil what you are waiting for;) you want me to give you two quotes, one for each of them, or what? ..maybe we shall try out two in a row this time, since it's nearly a month till voting next time;) tell me, tell me what you want, and I'll get along with it sweet manda;)
posted: 3479일 전
..since you are down with a flu, I just send you two quotes tonight, and you can do what you have to do;) I feel terrible if it's me you're waiting for, while I wait for you..hehe Take care manda, stick your flu-nose into bed again, and get well soon sweetii;)

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