just one kiss

just one kiss
Something about him I just couldn't stand, maybe it was his attitude towards women or maybe it was that self confidents that eminated from him. He knew he was handsome, well built. That one day he came upon me while I quitely sat by the river with my thoughts, that's when it all ended. "I've seen you around before." I looked up and Jason came with all his glory and swagger. "I'm sure you have we only go to the same college together." "ah yes. I'm Jason." He said with an alluring smile as he held out his hand. I shook it and for some strange reason gave him my name, "I'm Eleanor", "beautiful name for such a beautiful women." Once again flashing his smile, I on the other hand rolled my eyes. "What was that for?", I know all about you Jason, the way you play with women's emotions. Please don't try it on me." With both hands held in the air he made to surrender and sat himself down by me, but I was ready to leave. Getting up I wiped off my butt and turned to go. Reaching out his long lean fingers he grabbed hold of my wrist, I turned and looked a little to furious at him, "please don't go I thought we might talk for a while?" It's wasn't a demand, but a simple question. So we did. Over the next several days we met by the river after class and just sat and talked. Then one day he asked me, "may I kiss you? just one kiss?", with indifference I hasitated and then before I knew it I was in his arms our lips met and that was then end of all my bad thoughts. Jason had one, got me, possessed me, I was his prize now and forever more. And from that day on he did everything he ever could to prove that he was not the same person he once was, the one I had heard about around school around town, and everyday he would suprise me with a new attribute and never stopped loving me...ever.
criado por: sweetterror

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4 ilustrações foram usadas para criar esta imagem de "just one kiss".
moon background
valentine couple Victoria Frances



mejserr disse:

5214 dias atrás
Ohhhhhhhhhh... people can change, and luv is the most life changing experience. But we have to be a little careful as women... luv hurts a lot too. So aplause to that brilliant girl who waited the right moment to luv and be luvd. Superbe!

Leahblack1968 disse:

5214 dias atrás
Totally awesome story Janine.

Teengodees disse:

5215 dias atrás
Breathtaking... Love the story, so many feelings involved, ure really talented, please read my last two stories, then tell what u think about them... oh! And thankz for ur koments I apprecciate em...

nyeSte disse:

5216 dias atrás
fantastic 5*

hrm112792 disse:

5216 dias atrás
just lovely^__^

branka53 disse:

5218 dias atrás


5219 dias atrás
interesting creation dearest 

nermai disse:

5219 dias atrás
this is so romantic and sweet!!! :)

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