Welcome to my profile!



I'm a high school student. I love animals, Disney, and vibrant colors. Feel free to leave comments!

Put this little cat               
.../\„,„/\.......On your profile
...(=';'=)......To show
..../*♥♥*\.........you're against 
..(.|.|.|.|.)....animal cruelty
.........and animal abuse!

★☆★ Here are some weird facts about me ★☆★

 ❤ Sparkles, glitter, pink, flowers, Lisa Frank, and fun things like that are my favorite!

 ❤ I love T-rexes. I Absolutely ADORE them.

 ❤ I'm so gay and I just *love* girls :P

 ❤ I'm Indian (of Asia), and I've lived in America for my whole life.

 ❤ I love many old shows from Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. However, I still watch these channels today.

 ❤ I love drama! No, not bad drama. I mean acting. I love to be in school plays and musicals. 

 ❤ I can't sing very well even though I love being in plays and musicals. I'm an alto so my voice is super limited. My voice cracks waaaay too much.

 ❤ My love life is currently non-existent and messed up at the same time lol ;(

 ❤ I love to chat! If you leave a comment on my profile, I'll be sure to respond ASAP. Feel free to say hi!

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´´´¶´´´´¶¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶´´Hello Kitty
´´´´´¶¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶¶¶´´ Put on your page if you
´´´´´´´¶¶¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶¶¶´´´  like Hello Kitty.

(="."=) This Bunny is against racism 
(")_(") put it on your page to help it STOP!!!!!


  • Numero di volte al centro dell'attenzione: 0
  • Distintivi: 3
  • Blingee Oro: 5
  • Blingee Argento: 8
  • Stamp contribuiti: 4
  • Cartoline: 0




1757 days fa
please tell princess peach
for some reason I can not comment on her page.
she needs to fix her settings so I can...


2035 days fa
any new Blingee 

theswanprince... ha detto:

2047 days fa
how are you

WhimsyQuest ha detto:

2048 days fa
Sure . thanks

theswanprince... ha detto:

2049 days fa
hi want to be friends

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