♥cнεsтεя вεηηιηgтση♥

Welcome to my page,
my name is Hannah and as you can tell im a HUGE fan of Linkin Park. Also if you've been round me for a while you'ld see i have a huge love for Chester Bennington, but the rest of Linkin Park are just as amazing as ChaZy.
Warning: i have attitude and aint afraid to use it, but over all, im a nice person, i never start on anyone for no reanson, unless you harm me in any way, then im nice.
I love debates, i never back down thou, unless i have nothing to fight for.
I am only able to speak english off-by-heart but am able to communicate in other languages in small sentances.
I also love Dead By Sunrise (Chesters Band) and Fort Minor (Mikes Band)and Slipknot.
Im an all-knowing Linkin Park fan, knowing everything from the names of the members to the names/dates of the extremley rare demos released by the band, whilst in high school with under the band name of Xero.
So if your looking for a new rock band to like, i strongley suggest you Linkin Park.

█████████████████100% LINKIN PARK FAN

My fravorite songs are:
1. Rhinestone (Xero demo)
2. Fear (LOATR demo - underground 9) 
3. new divide
4. a place for my head
5. hit the floor

Blingees made for me by friends:
Zuzzy92 - http://bln.gs/b/22mmj6

My Record:
Best Boy blingee: http://bln.gs/b/23aumw - score:1548 Rank:76

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Mike Shinoda (MC, keyboards)
Chester Bennington (Lead vocals)
Joe Hahn (turntables, backing vocals)
Brad Delson (lead guitar, backing vocals)
Rob Bourdon (Drums)
David 'Phoenix' Farrell (Bass guitar, backing vocals)
-Mark Wakefield (Past lead vocals)
.... are the legendery people who make up Linkin Park!

♫♫♫♫♫♫_________♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫   Put This On
♫♫♫♫♫♫_________♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫  Your Page If     
♫♫♫♫♫♫_________♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫  You Think LP is
♫♫♫♫♫♫_________♫♫♫♫♫♫♫_____♫♫♫♫♫♫ The best band EVER!

~ Linkin Park soldier from the start ~

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  • Numero di volte al centro dell'attenzione: 2
  • Distintivi: 33
  • Blingee Oro: 58
  • Blingee Argento: 63
  • Stamp contribuiti: 383
  • Cartoline: 0

Le mie partecipazioni al concorso

Visualizza altro



jackeline1.6 ha detto:

4327 days fa
Hello! ♥ My Dear Friend! ♥
I come to commenT your beautifull creations*(Pics)!!!♥how are you? 
I hope you are very good :)!!!♥
I wish you a wonderful week !!!♥


jackeline1.6 ha detto:

4327 days fa
!♥**!You're Amazing and creative, you're my best friend forever,And you're very special to me 
Send this to all your friends that you love, you're super lucky if you'll got 100 comments like this!!♥*

killjoy-forevs ha detto:

4478 days fa
hey :)

Ashtray6Girl ha detto:

4494 days fa
Hi! I create a new group, it's for your the best, beautiful & favourite blingee. Would you like to join it?http://blingee.com/group/81175-BLINGEE-THE-BEST

12ciara ha detto:

4545 days fa
Voting has started! Please come and vote! :)

[even if you didn't enter the competition, you can still vote.] 


jackeline1.6 ha detto:

4552 days fa
hannah ú beautiful name*-*♥
u´ Líke Linkin park ??
because I also *¬*¡¡♥

ur blingees are SO FANTASTIC u knoW♥?


jackeline1.6 ha detto:

4555 days fa

Ty♥  soo Muchh♥

how r u?? 

Wath´s Ur Name? *-*♥
i'm Jackeline♥

Nice tó MééT u♥


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