Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez
I seen the movie enough with Jennifer Lopez and I kind of felt sad because she got abused in the movie around her daughter Grace and Jennifer Lopez's boyfriend in the movie is a sore loser. Why do men abuse women? Jennifer Lopez is a strong and beautiful women she was good for beating her boyfriend up Grace her daughter is a very beautiful girl also she was strong during the time when her boyfriend followed Jennifer Lopez in her car and hit her car and Grace was pretty strong but I feel bad for her because she was so terrified because she didn't know what was going on with her mother Jennifer and that morning when Jennifer got up to use the restroom and drink water her boyfriends showed up at her house and beat her and Grace woke up and seen her dad beating her mother and she told her dad "Daddy Stop Stop!" and her turned around and got Grace by the face and threw her down to the floor that was the most terrible thing to do first you abuse Jennifer Lopez then you turn around and abuse 5yr old Grace that's sad he probably regrets that...
gemaakt door: HeavenlyC...

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4 graphics were used to create this "jennifer lopez and selena" picture.
Silver Glitter Corner
animated background {ForeverTwilight}
jennifer lopez name pink
Jennifer Lopez  [ORIGINAL made by crissandy]

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