The Beautiful Moon Angel

The Beautiful Moon Angel
He ran. Ran away from the place he called Home. As he ran he kept getting scrapes everywhere. After much running he found a "God" Tree. He approached the tree slowly as if it would come alive and take him back to the place that he ran away from. Finally in front of the tree only a mere 9 inches apart in distance from him and the tree trunk. He slowly reached his right hand toward the tree trunk pausing only half way then resuming again to rest his hand on the trunk. The hand finally reached its destination. Seconds passed by and he felt at peace and decided to at least get some rest. "Thank you", said the teenaged boy. He didn't know why but he felt all the tension and stress vanish from him. As if nothing could harm him here. Now that the stress and tension were gone his body felt heavy and ached from all the running and all the scrapes he got too. Suddenly a gentle breeze picked up. The leaves were shifting slowly making him look up at the Tree. It took a few seconds until he smiled tried smile as if he understood what the tree as trying to say to him. ' Rest child. You will need for the time the sun rises and so on. Rest..' 'Thank you', thought the boy before a yawn decided t make an appearance. He sat down on the ground with his back resting against the tree trunk, his knees curled up to his chin, his head resting on the ground. His hair a nice dark shade of raven with midnight (dark) blue highlights. His skin was a fair(or light) shade of tan but looked like a pale blue because of the moonlight that showered all over him. His body was built but not TOO muscular. His face looked so soft like a baby's skin would look minus the slight redness on his left cheek. He was now in the world of sleep, a place where he may dream. While he was asleep something or someone was watching him. Her long hair left untouched shining a dark midnight blue from the crescent moon's glow. Her eyes a beautiful lively light purple. Walking towards him she kneed down before. Looking at the reddish mark that was left on his face hers turned sad. She gently placed her hand on his cheek and as seconds, minutes passed by not only did the redness on his cheek disappear but also the scrapes healed and didn't leave any scar as if it never happened. After she withdrew her hand and looked over him to make sure he didn't have any more injuries that she missed she looked back at his face and smiled. She bended over so she could whisper something in his ear. After that she stood up and looked at the tree. "thank you for keeping him safe", said the femae ' Anytime at all. Besides, he would always play around here as a young boy and kept me company. He would talk to me and tell me about everything he learned or just someone to listen to. It was the least I could do for him', said the God Tree. The female thanked the God Tree once again and disappeared. The boy smiled as the female's words echoed through his mind: "I am here by your side always. I won't let that family do anything more to you. All you have to do is call. And I will be there. Look upon the moon when you want to talk to me. Fore I am your one and only Moon Angel". End-
作成者: r32555


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