Yuuki Thompson! (Missing Thompson sister~)

Yuuki Thompson! (Missing Thompson sister~)
Full name: Yuuki Thompson Age: 17 Theme song: Red Lipstick By Ke$ha / Pearl by Katy Perry, shes both a weapon & non-weapon, she was mostly like her father but she got her haircolor from her mother. Status: Taken by Death The Kid Yuuki: Hes everything i ever wanted X3 <3 Siblings: Patty Thompson & Liz Thompson Friends: Everybody but the evil people, Nicknames: Sexy or the Dark-Shredder, Story about Yuuki: She was seperated by her sisters in a terrible accident, a Kishin of Yuuki's worst nightmares killed both her mom & dad, then put Yuuki in a bad neighborhood and Liz & Patty somewere else but he doesnt remember, (The reason the Kishin did that is cause her parents killed his family) Yuuki got seperated by them at the age of 5, she stayed in a ally corner, really skinny & weak... found her own food by herself at the age of 8 she asked people she will do chorses for money, but they all said no. She begged alot but only got beaten & abused she did not know how to use her powers. one day she begged one man that she will do anything for some money, she was starving.. he did nothing & walked away Yuuki was ready to die she closed her eyes then.. she saw another man, named Steiner. He helped her up & took her to his house. Fed her and everything. he made a deal with her, he will feed, teach, train her for fighting, if he can test on Yuuki on his projects. Course Yuuki had to agree she has no other choses. This is how she got the blue fire eye & the blue vans showing on her left arm. Steiner was working on a project when he failed & Yuuki started to glow, her neck was glowing and her eye & everything. she was in pain very very very harsh pain. Steiner figured out how to make it not hurt. one day he created a med. to make the pain stop. it worked, he put a bandaid on her neck to make sure the blue beam wont hurt her again. At the age of 16 she ran away from Steiners cause she was tired of his rules, but he was like a father to Yuuki.. but never really fatherly.. =( she became the Night/Dark-shedder, she made her own gun (sometimes used her power of two guns which were in/on her hands) and killed every kishin and ate their souls till she found the kishin that killed her family. yes she thought her sisters were dead too. Everyone heard the gun-shots but never knew who was shooting, it was Yuuki. One day she found the Kishin who killed her family, but she was not as powerful and he almost killed her Shinigami (Death the kid's dad) helped Yuuki get away. Then he said she needs a partner, and someone in charge of Yuuki's behavior. He put her in the school to learn how to use her power wisely. She met DTK, also her sisters.. she found out thats her sisters who she seperated with.. she was happy <3 oh Yuuki is like, the really exciting happy type, like Haruhi Suzimiya X3 but she likes things neat & clean so she has lil bit same of the obcession as DTK xD
die hochgeladen wurde von: Soulangel11

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