Happy August Birthday by Joyful226/Connie

Happy August Birthday by Joyful226/Connie
Happy Birthday to you. I hope your birthday is just wonderful and marvelous. The lady is playing your song. "Happy Birthday to you Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday God bless you, Happy birthday to you." You have two birthstones both which are shown here. On the ladies head band is the Peridot the best known one The Peridot is said to host magical powers and healing properties to protect against nightmares and to bring the wearer power, influence, and a wonderful year. As peridot is a gemstone that forms deep inside the Earth and brought to the surface by volcanoes, in Hawaii, peridot symbolizes the tears of Pele, the goddess of fire and volcanoes. Today, most of the peridot supply comes from Arizona; This gemstone comes in several color variations ranging from yellowish green to brown, but most consumers are attracted to the bright lime greens and olive greens. Peridot, in smaller sizes, often is used in beaded necklaces and bracelets. The other birthstone is Sardonyx which can be found on the lady's dress around her waist with the cameo. Real cameo's are made out of your second birthstone the Sardonyx,is a form of onyx and is recognized by its layers of reddish brown and white banding. It was popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans who carried into battle talismans of sardonyx engraved with images of heroes such as Mars or Hercules, believing that this would bring courage and victory. Because of its attractive banding, sardonyx has long been used to fashion cameos (carved raised figures) and intaglios (the reverse of cameos). This gemstone is found throughout the world. The most attractive specimens are found in India, but material also is mined in Czechoslovakia, Brazil, Uruguay, Germany, and in the United States. You also have two birth month flowers lucky you. The most known is the Gladiolus the second is the Poppy. The Gladiolus also known as the 'sword lily.' Gladiolus represents remembrance, calm, integrity, and infatuation. With gladiolus, the recipient's heart is being "pierced with love." The other August flower is the Poppy. A red poppy signifies pleasure, a white poppy is given for consolation, and a yellow poppy wishes wealth and success. Other things about this greeting on Aug. 7. it Purple Heart Day where we remember those that have severed our county and have been wounded while serving. August 15 is the Assumption of Mary Day a special day in the Roman Catholic church..One holiday I added, because my great, great, great, great,great grandpa Dr. Abram Downer was a doctor at the Battle of Bennington that took place near his house so he went out and helped all the wounded, no matter what side they were fighting for, The Patriots or the English during the American Revolution at the Battle of Bennington in what is Bennington, VT today. Then VT was not a state. It is also a VT state holiday. IT is on August 16, as seen with the patriot with the 3 cornered hat. August 19th is National Aviation day you can see the plane buzzing around on the right side under Mary. August 21 brings us "Senior Citizen Day" as seen with the senior citizen couple above the birthday cake Of course no birthday is complete without a cake and candles this cake is a little special because it has peaches on top and the kitty by the lady also has peaches with it.. this month one of the main foods for the month is Peaches.One also has to have ice cream and a gift and balloons. Wishing you a wonderful day filled with lots of goodies. Made for you by Connie/Joyful226.
gemaakt door: joyful226

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Gebruikte blingee-stamps

28 graphics were used to create this "happy birthday by justin bieber" picture.
Frame F-S
peach vintage
Green Diamond Animated
accessories deco schwarz black ludmilla1959
Frame F-S
Badge for Military Merit and Purple Heart
religion mary Louise♥♥
couple love grandma grandpa dog vintage
White Kittie by Stormynights58
birthday cake
Ice Cream Anyone Joyful226
SUMMER scrap-mystique1155
cadeau ballons
*transparent sparkles:)
Glitter frame animated
frame ivk
транс ivk_gadgets fire
Animated Happy Birthday with candles Joyful226
colored stripe



longplays zegt:

3164 dagen geleden
 5***** for your beautiful Work, dear  
(¯•♥•¯)(¯♥•¯) Friend. Thank you for your
_`•.¸(¯•♥•¯) Friendship. Have a nice 
___ `•. ¸.•   day. Lovely Greetings, Silja. 

susi1959 zegt:

3195 dagen geleden
(⁀‵⁀,)♥ ♥ ♥happy day
.`⋎´ ♥¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•. ♥ 5( ♥ )
super *¨*

susi1959 zegt:

3205 dagen geleden
─▄▄─▄▄▀▀▄▀▀▄ 5☆
──▀█▀ ℓ♥νє it :)
happy weekend

susi1959 zegt:

3210 dagen geleden
¨/\_/\ ♥fantastic 
¨¨/ \ 
♥5 happy new week 

Ambrozia11 zegt:

3211 dagen geleden
/\.../\   	*stunning!*  
=‘•.•’=	*fantastic!*
.♥**♥	*beautiful!*
Thank you for Your friendship!

anthony_halling zegt:

3212 dagen geleden
              ♥♥     ╔═.♥. ══════════════╗
        ♥♥♥♥♥♥          Wonderful
        ♥♥♥♥♥♥                Job
              ♥♥                My Friend!
              ♥♥                5☆☆☆☆☆
              ♥♥     ╚══════.♥. ═════════╝

rjaysmommy zegt:

3215 dagen geleden
  __(█ ♥ █)__ ♥ __(█ ♥ █)
 .(█ ♥█♥█ ♥█)_(█♥ █♥█ ♥█)
  (█ ♥█)___ Hugs___(█♥█)
 _(█ ♥█)__(█ ♥█)__(█ ♥█)
 ___(█ ♥█)_____(█♥ █)
 _____ (█♥█) (█ ♥█)
5	♥♥♥♥♥ SUPER


alwayswellsaid zegt:

3219 dagen geleden
WONDERFUL Creation! 
THANKS for the C & STARS!

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