Move Along- American Rejects

Move Along- American Rejects
2/23/2014 Today, I told my mom that another card of mine was missing and that 2-3 weeks ago, my firs debit card came up missing. And I told her that I would just keep looking for it and she presses the issue saying "So, you think that someone took your card?" "You think that there is some conspiracy about your cards missing?!" And the way she looked at me set me off because I hadn't said "Shelia threw my cards away." I just said two of my cards were missing and she couldn't empathize with me. So, I said "Its a conspiracy that you slept with men after they molested your kids." And from there it went downhill. On Valentine's Day, my twin told me that the mother of his children wants to search for my father somehow. And I told my mom and I had no reply from her. So, I brought it up today in the middle of arguing and she says "Fuck your Daddy, he was a trick ass pimp..." And I said "but, he accepted us as his kids, he took responsibility for us and not only that, he loved us and was over protective of us." And like an ignorant dummy, the reply was "He did do shit but help me financially." And I said "but, you and your girlfriend lived rent free in Hyde Park from the time I was 8 to the time I was 23." And look at the progress they've made together as a couple with a man paying their rent and giving them $400 bi weekly for nursing." I had to tell my mom that her whole life is about being with people who are molesters and rapists and that someone else (most times a child) is always hurt by it, not her. I told her that she let my dad believe he was our father and that because he loved us and wanted to protect us, she should've worked with him and even him more respect. I asked her what if he died alone without us after taking care of us all his life and she said " so,fuck him." My dad would see us every single day when he wasn't working with Amtrack. He would not only take us out to eat but, he'd pay for my friends meal. On days when he was in town and we didn't go to a restaurant or a fast food place, he took us to the grocery store. I had a good dad who did things the way you'd think a woman would. Always on time with seasonal clothes and new bunk beds and I think that any parent who has a child with a person deserves respect and consideration when it comes to sharing children. My father will always be the best father I could've had and my mom will always be the one who put us in harm's way. My mom calls me a "radical" and says that I look like I'm crazy to people online but, I can't let a woman who wouldn't complete her college work after I'd done it for her, get to me. My mom is someone who literally dropped out of college after I told her I wouldn't do her homework anymore. And I did that when Shelia came to me face on Dr. King's Day in 2013 and called me a "homeless bitch." Shelia is so confident in my mom's ignorance that that she knows she can keep tormenting me and my mom will do nothing about it. My cards have gone missing and now, these ripple affects are going through my family right now where my twin has called me mom going off on her and saying "my kids won't come around you again." And he is a perpetrator. And he knows that my da deserves more. Shelia is twisted and my mom is a reflection of her. This whole mobbing game has affected my family and I guess it needed to happen.
создатель: BanDirect...

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RedHeadsRule пишет:

2455 дней назад
...a child. He is my lover, my best friend and the man who saved me from my own life. We have been married for going on 19 years now, and we are stronger than ever. I don't know what the future holds for you. I don't even know if you will ever see this message. But if you do, I want you to know that there IS hope, even if there are no guarantees. I won't say I will pray for you, because I am an atheist, but I will say that I am thinking of you and wish you well. Please be well.

RedHeadsRule пишет:

2455 дней назад
...provided for them and helped me raise them into adulthood. They are all adults now and still adore him. More than that, I became disabled several years ago, and am now bed-ridden and a shell of the woman I once was. He takes care of my every need without making me feel like a burden. He shows me so much love and devotion and was the first and only person to make me believe that I was really loved. My life had taught me I was unloveable. But I have everything I ever wanted and needed as...

RedHeadsRule пишет:

2455 дней назад
...damaged me a little more. I felt like a disposable child who was perpetually thrown away and forgotten. I dreamed of a family of my own who would love me unconditionally. No matter how perfect I tried to be, it was never good enough. There is so much more to the horrible events of my childhood, but I'll just stop here and say that I eventually found my knight in shining armour. I had 3 children from a previous marriage, and one with him, and he accepted all of them equally. He loved them...

RedHeadsRule пишет:

2455 дней назад
...never got her happy ending. She know only pain and abuse, but she loved us three children with all her heart. She died at the age of 32. I was three years old, and that began an extremely traumatic childhood where I was taken away from my alcoholic father, separated from my siblings, abused, neglected, then lost my father on my tenth birthday, and was bounced around from one home to the next, none of whom ever wanted me, and always would send me away, usually abused me, and always...

RedHeadsRule пишет:

2455 дней назад
I don't know you, but I've read all of this and your profile and I cry for you. I'm so sorry for the trials that life has put you through. I'm not sure how old you are. Based on your posts I would guess a young adult, and I have absolutely no real advice or words of wisdom for you, but I CAN tell you that sometimes, when you start off with a horrific childhood, you get a happy ending. Not always, but it does happen sometimes. My mother, who led a sad life and only wanted to do what was right...

theswanprince... пишет:

3449 дней назад

BanDirectEner... пишет:

3719 дней назад
You're usually the very soul of devotion and commitment, and you love your routines more than just about anyone. But now, for some darned reason, you can't even force yourself to do anything the way you did it yesterday -- or for the past ten months. Or even years. Don't be scared. Maybe it's time for a change, and the universe has devised a plan to help you out. Surf this tide. 3/26/14 
*Im in so much pain from swollen knees I can barely walk & I have to work 50hrs this week

BanDirectEner... пишет:

3750 дней назад
My mom went from being a young mother  who made mistakes who'd experimented with X, crack and all kinds of drugs & let men&women run in her in groups to a 50 year old woman who believe child molesters are gentle and would not only allow her daughter to be tortured but would also participate in the crimes against her. I stay w/ my grandmother again & she said that my dad was so good to us, she's just jealous of that & no one should never change my love for him, not even her.

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