a nelena story part 9

a nelena story part 9
last time on a nelena story,selena broke up with david for nick.david was really mad about that.nick decided that he had to talk to david.Demi confronted to nick about selena (couse she didnt know there goig out till now). what will happen next fing out now.. WITH DEMI AND NICK demi:so nick do u still love her... nick:(nervuse)y would u ask that.i think ur loosing it demi. demi:nick dont try to change the subject.i see the way u look at her.it think u still love her.just tell me im right and i can be on my way. nick:(lying)demi,i knw that selena is ur best friend but can u plz stop trying to force us back together.its not going to work. demi:(MAD)stop avoiding the damn question!!do u still love her or not? nick:(really annoyed)yes demi. i still love selena and now were back together and thats y she broke up with david.douse that answer ur dang question? demi:(shocked)WOW nick;(thinks for a second)wait i wasnt suppose to tell u that.Lena wanted to keep it a secrete.u better not tell anyone demi. demi:its ok nick.just chill.i wont tell anyone and i wont say anything to Len until she tells me kk. nick:thanks dem. demi:well im off. i better go check on selena.once i get over there shel tell me ebout the whole breakup.i wont spill anything. nick:ok bye dem. AT SELENA'S HOUSE selena:(lying on her bed)(shes crying) demi:(koncks on her door)hey lena can i come in. selena:(wipes her tears of her face)yeah. demi:(opens the door)hey selly(sees that shes crying)whats wrong(thinking:stupid david). selena:david and i broke up. demi:oh im sorry is there anything i can do. selena:no. demi:so y did u and david call it quits.did u guys get in a fight or something?? selena:no(sighs)if i tell u y we broke up will u promse not to get mad or laugh. demi:of course. i wont laugh or get made or anything. SELENA TELLS HER Y THEY BROKE UP. demi:u guys are getting back together?THATS GREAT?im super happy for u guys.david is kindda of butt whole anyways. selena:yeah he is but i kindda feel bad breaking his heart. he didnt do anything to deserve it. demi:u cant pretend to love him when u love nick.you would be lying to urself. selena:yeah i guess ur right.but demi u have to promise not to tell anyone about this.i want to keep it a secrete.for now at least. demi:fine but may i ask y. selena:becouse i dont want people to think im one of those girls who goes from guy to guy. demi:ok well its getting late.i better be on my way home.call me if u need me. selena:i always do.& thanks for making me feel better. u are the best friend ever. demi:i know.bye lenny(walks out the door). demi:(gets to her car)(texts nick:she told me everything). nick:(comes from upstairs from the basement). kevin:come here nick i want u to meet someone. nick:(comes over to the front door)who is it...? kevin:nick i want u to meet ashley my girlfriend(motions to the girl standing next to him) ashley:hey nick its nice to meet u.kevin has told me all about u. nick:oh really.so how long have u and kevin been dating. ashley:i wanna sy three months.when ever the start of ruch was.we meet at a rush party. nick:wait kevin in a frat???since when. kevin:my roomate wanted me to go rushing with him and i loved it.so thats when. nick:oh well ill let u to chill(goes upstairs) kevin:wait nck how did the whole selena thing go. nick:fine.how did u hear about that anyways? kevin:i have my ways(devilish grin) nick:whatever(goes to his room). nick:(gets his cell phone and starts dialing,presses send.)(hey man whats up). WHO IS NICK CALLING?WLL THE REST OF THE JONAS FAMIILY LIKE ASHLEY?FING OUT ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF A NELENA STORY.DONT FORGET TO TELL UR FRIENDS.
作成者: Melina45d


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"a christmas story"の作成に使われた25コのグラフィック
SIlver Background ISYMILOU
Background tlo transparent
Deco~Circle Triple Glitter Frame~Silver
glitter glity animated GRASS
Klar transparent SPARKLE STARS
ozdoby deco  transparent
Ramki  frame TRANSPARENT
Klar  transparent background
border frame  ramki transparent
Flower Overlay
black pearls
Border Avia Sunanda ★<:)
frame 066 papermoon666 silver




5334日 前
omg nice blingee


5339日 前
whaa good idea about conneccting blingee and stories..i like it very very much..cant wait a next part


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